Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the colon by flushing it with warm filtered water under low pressure with a colonic irrigation equipment. Using abdominal massage to release impacted faeces.
Constipation is the leading cause of illness. Our contemporary lifestyles and bad diets cause this toxin buildup. Sickness and fatigue are our bodies’ cries for aid. The Colonic is great for tummy flattening and detoxification.
Water irrigation helps peristalsis, the coordinated movement of colon muscles, by reminding them how to work. It removes colon wall faeces. Stagnant faeces can cause dysbiosis, fermentation, and putrefaction.
A colonic removes faeces, bacterial toxins in the liver’s therapeutic system, toxic burden, improves the immune system, and removes mucus, gas, parasites, cellular debris, and dietary allergens. Mucous plugs and other impactions reduce nutrient absorption. It can also stimulate the gallbladder to secrete bile, which speeds toxin clearance. A colonic can re-hydrate a person since the large intestine reabsorbs water.
We offer a closed system of colon hydrotherapy. It is completely closed, so there is no mess, no smells, no embarrassment. It is a very gentle system, it does not rely on pressure to create the result, instead it is all about your expert therapist manually and gently massaging your abdomen and releasing the tubes when needed.
Guests have loved this system as there is no fuss and no mess, it is very relaxing and you will feel completely cleansed after the treatment. The treatment lasts approx 45 minutes.