Dear Future Me: A Powerful Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions
As the calendar flips towards another New Year, we often feel the weight of tradition urging us to scribble down a
And what does a new year hold? Clean account books. Bare diaries. Three hundred and sixty-five new days, neatly parcelled into weeks, months, seasons.. A chunk of time, of life…those few first notes like an orchestra tuning up before the play begins.” – Phyllis Nicholson
You can look to the year ahead with either anticipation or with dread. Maybe last year had struggles and challenges you would prefer to leave behind.
Perhaps your deepest desire is to start the new year fresh with a clean slate and the inspiration and motivation to make this your best year yet?
If that is the case, let’s do it together and let’s have fun doing it!
You probably already know the importance of positive self talk. In almost every personal development book you will hear the benefits about positive affirmations, and if you have tried it out…it’s true they really do work! The secret is that you don’t have to stand in front of the mirror and repeat them over and over, or make a mantra of them during your spin class.
You can make them a natural and enjoyable part of your day by creating an inspirational iTunes playlist to listen to while your heading to and from work, taking a walk around the block on your break to clear you head or at the gym.
Songs are natural affirmations that stir our emotions and groove pathways in our mind as we find ourselves humming them throughout the day. So this year consciously choose the ‘soundtrack’ to your life.
Make them positive and inspiring and become aware of how you feel when listening to them.
What’s songs will you add to your list?
For Next time…
What daydreams do their inspire, what longings do they bring the the surface?
Start to become aware of these and put them in your Time to Shine journal as we will be talking about making your dreams come true.
As the calendar flips towards another New Year, we often feel the weight of tradition urging us to scribble down a
The August Lions Gate Portal is a powerful time for all signs to embrace transformation and align with their highest potential.
There’s a beautiful shift happening—towards conscious relationships, where deeper connections, shared values, and genuine intimacy take center stage for women.